If a doctor has access to a limited number of studies and is in a situation that requires urgent access to a patient who may not be their primary caring physician, the doctor can 'break glass' for immediate access. The doctor can be granted access provided they have the patient ID and a reason for accessing the patient’s studies.
Action Bar Item
If the user does not have all study access, the 'Break Glass' button will be visible.
If break glass is disabled, this button will not be visible to anyone.
Requesting Access
After clicking on the break glass button, the user will be directed to the following page (shown below). The user must understand the conditions of being granted break glass access and accept the terms.
When the user accepts the terms, the following text box inputs will be displayed.
Patient ID
The user must enter the patient ID exactly as it appears.
A reason for requesting break glass access must be specified.
Requesting Access - Confirmation
After successfully entering patient details and a reason, the user will be prompted to confirm they have selected the correct patient.
Accessing Break Glass Studies
Break glass access will be granted immediately. However, the user should allow a few moments for studies to be retrieved if they are not online.
Break glass studies will appear in the study search results.
Break glass access to patient studies expire after 24 hours by default.
Studies will not appear in search results after the expiration period has been exceeded.