Study Searching & Search Filters

Search Fields

Below is a list of available search fields that comes with a standard Zed Link installation.



Example Value

Patient name

The patient name format is SURNAME, FIRST NAME

Appleseed, John

Patient ID

An alphanumeric string of characters.


Accession Number

An alphanumeric string of characters.



An alphanumeric string of characters.


Referring physician

The referring physicians name format is SURNAME, FIRST NAME

Appleseed, John

Study date to

The date format is dd/mm/yyyy


Study date from

The date format is dd/mm/yyyy



Checkboxes (can select multiple values)


It should be noted that the standard Zed Link installation can be customised and certain search fields can be disabled or enabled.  While all fields have been documented above, they may not necessarily be available at your installation.

Wildcard Searching

Wildcard searches in Zed Link can be enabled or disabled.  A standard installation will allow for wildcard searches.

The default character used to denote a ‘wildcard search’ is and asterisk “*” (see examples below).   The wildcard search character can be changed in Zed Link.

Searching patients name with a value of zed, test*

/Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-03-16 at 10.27.27 am.png

Searching patients name with a value of *, *est

/Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-03-16 at 10.28.59 am.png

Search Results

Study search results are presented in the table. The study search page also acts as the “homepage” for Zed Link.

/Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-03-16 at 10.17.12 am.png

Search Filters

Users are able to create and manage search filters base on any of the available search fields.

Administrators are able to create search filters that will apply to ALL users.  Users are not able to modify these filter. 

Creating Search Filters

To create a search filter, enter your values in the search fields and click on the ‘save’ button.


You will then be prompted to enter a name for your filter.  Enter a name and click ‘OK’.


The search filter will be then created and activated and will be available under ‘Search Filters’.


Managing Search Filters

Users are able to manage their search filters by going to the ‘Your Account’ page which can be accessed via the navigation bar.


Click on ‘Manage’ under Search Filters to access the Manage Search Filter page.

Updating Search Filters

To update search filters, click on the ‘Update’ button.


Users can then edit their search fields and save the changes by click on ‘Update Filter’.


Deleting Search Filters

To delete a search filter, click on the ‘Delete’ button.


Users will then be prompted for confirmation.


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