This article describes the basics of using the zero-footprint HTML5 DICOM image viewer.

Tools and Options

All tools and viewer options are outlined below.


Tool/Option Name


Measure Polygonal ROI

Allows you add anchor points to measure the polygonal ROI.

Measure Cardiothoracic Ratio

Allows you to measure the cardiothoracic ratio of the images on the screen by allowing you to draw rulers on an image.

Measure Cobb Angle

Allows you to measure the Cobb angle of the images on the screen by allowing you to draw rulers on an image.


Measure Angle

Allows you to measure the angle of the images on the screen by allowing you to draw rulers on an image.

Measure Length

Allows you to measure the length of the images on the screen by allowing you to draw a ruler on an image.


Clear Measurements

Clears the measurements on the image.

No Split

Change the image series layout to 1 x 1.

Split Vertically

Change the image series layout to 1 x 2.

Split Horizontally

Change the image series layout to 2 x 1.

Split Grid

Change the image series layout to 2 x 2.


Changes the contrast of the image. You can either use the pre-set settings when you click the button or left clicking and dragging up or down on an image will also change contrast.

Zoom Fit

Changes the contrast of the image. You can either use the pre-set settings when you click the button or left clicking and dragging up or down on an image will also change contrast.

Split Option

Choose how multiple image series are displayed on screen. A series are grouped images (an example would be multiple images from a CT scan).


Export images as a PNG file or Share scans by sending a email to the recipient. The recipient will receive a link to view the scans within the viewer.

Flip Horizontal

Flip the image horizontally.

Flip Vertical

Flip the image vertically.


Inverts the colour of the current selected image.


Allows you to move the images around by left clicking and dragging on an image.


Allows you to zoom in and out of the images by left clicking and dragging up or down on an image.


Removes changes that have been made to images by other tools.


Scroll through the images available in the image box by dragging up and down.

Play Cine

Scrolls automatically through a selected image series.

Show/Hide Report

Show or hide the radiologist report. Please note this button will only appear if the there is a report associated with the scan.

Show/Hide Overlay

Show or hide the technical details around the edge of images.


3D Cursor

Allows you to locate a point in space across all image planes.


Scroll through the images available in the image box by dragging up and down.

  1. Select the “Scroll” button on the tool bar or context menu and drag up and down on the display set with the left mouse button.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/scroll.png /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 3.35.44 am copy 3.png

  2. Scroll up and down on the display set with the mouse wheel.

  3. Drag the scroll bar at the side of each display set.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 3.43.05 am.png


Changes the contrast of the image. You can either use the pre-set settings when you click the button or left clicking and dragging up or down on an image will also change contrast.

  1. Select the “Window/Level” button on the tool bar or context menu and drag around on the image. Dragging up increases the “level” (or window center), while dragging down decreases it. Dragging left reduces the window width and dragging right enlarges it. Combining both dragging motions will adjust both the window width and level simultaneously.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 3.33.18 am copy 2.png /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 3.35.44 am copy 2.png

  2. Presets may be available for certain image sets and if available then the presets option becomes available in the context menu.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 3.37.19 am.png

  3. Clicking on any of the available preset option will set the selected display set with the values in the selected preset.


Allows you to zoom in and out of the images by left clicking and dragging up or down on an image.

  1. Select the “Zoom” button on the tool bar or context menu and drag up and down on the image.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 3.33.18 am copy.png/Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 3.35.44 am copy.png


Allows you to move the images around by left clicking and dragging on an image.

  1. Select the “Pan” button on the tool bar or context menu and drag around the image.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 3.33.18 am.png/Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 3.35.44 am.png

Hounsfield Unit

Displays the actual pixel value or Hounsfield Unit (HU) of where the cursor is clicked for the image in the bottom right overlay.

  1. Click on the “HU” option in the context menu.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 4.02.19 am copy.png

  2. Click at the point on the image you wish to calculate the Hounsfield Unit. The image Hounsfield Unit is shown in the bottom right overlay. Please note that if the Hounsfield Unit is not available then the raw pixel value will be displayed.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 4.14.03 am.png

Multi-Planar Reconstruction

The Multi-Planar Reconstruction (MPR) feature allows users to generate images from additional perspectives using a stack of source images in the same plane. To start the MPR viewer, the user will need to right click on a plane and then select “Multi-Planar Reconstruction” from the context menu.

/Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-03-16 at 11.31.55 am.png /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-03-16 at 11.12.38 am.png

Measure Length

Allows you to measure the length of the images on the screen by allowing you to draw a ruler on an image.

Adding Measurement

  1. Click on the “Measure Length” button on the tool bar or context menu.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/length.png /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/length-tool.png

  2. Click and hold on the image where you want the measurement to begin. Release when necessary to calculate length.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 4.49.24 pm.png

Modifying Measurement

  1. To resize, hover the mouse over one of the anchor points the click and drag as necessary.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 4.49.56 pm.png

  2. To move, hover the mouse over one of the lines (not the anchor point), then click and drag to the new location.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 4.50.42 pm.png

  3. To delete, click on one of the lines or anchor point and then press the backspace button on your keyboard or click the “Clear Measurements” option on the toolbar or context menu.

Measure Angle

Allows you to measure the angle of the images on the screen by allowing you to draw rulers on an image.

Adding Measurement

  1. Click on the “Measure Angle” button on the tool bar or context menu.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/angle.png /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/angle-tool.png

  2. Click and hold on the image where you want the measurement to begin. This lays down the measurement’s first anchor point. Release when necessary.

  3. Move the mouse to where you want the next anchor point to be located. Click and release again.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 4.52.10 pm.png

Modifying Measurement

  1. You cannot add/remove anchor points.

  2. To resize, hover the mouse over one of the anchor points the click and drag as necessary.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 4.52.36 pm.png

  3. To move, hover the mouse over one of the lines (not the anchor point), then click and drag to the new location.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 4.52.59 pm.png

  4. To delete, click on one of the lines or anchor point and then press the backspace button on your keyboard or click the “Clear Measurements” option on the toolbar or context menu.

Measure Cobb Angle

Allows you to measure the Cobb angle of the images on the screen by allowing you to draw rulers on an image.

Adding Measurement

  1. Click on the “Measure Cobb Angle” button on the tool bar or context menu.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/cobbangle.png /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/cobbangle-tool.png

  2. Click and hold on the image where you want the measurement to begin. This lays down the measurement’s first anchor point. Release when necessary.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 4.53.41 pm.png

  3. Repeat step 2 for second anchor point to calculate cobb angle.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 4.53.51 pm.png

Modifying Measurement

  1. You cannot add/remove anchor points.

  2. To resize, hover the mouse over one of the anchor points the click and drag as necessary.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 4.54.41 pm.png

  3. To move, hover the mouse over one of the lines (not the anchor point), then click and drag to the new location.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 4.54.59 pm.png

  4. To delete, click on one of the lines or anchor point and then press the backspace button on your keyboard or click the “Clear Measurements” option on the toolbar or context menu.

Measure Polygonal ROI

Allows you add anchor points to measure the polygonal ROI.

Adding measurement

  1. Click on the “Measure Polygon” button on the tool bar or context menu.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/polygon.png /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/polygon-tool.png

  2. Click on the image where you want the measurement to begin. This lays down the measurement’s first anchor point. Note that you can just click and release. It is not necessary to hold.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 4.55.31 pm.png

  3. Move the mouse to where you want the next anchor point to be located. Click and release again.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 4.55.40 pm.png

  4. Repeat step 3 until the measurement is complete by bringing the mouse back to the first point.    
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 4.55.48 pm.png

  5. /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 4.55.56 pm.png

Modifying Measurement

  1. You cannot add/remove anchor points.

  2. To resize, hover the mouse over one of the anchor points the click and drag as necessary.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 4.56.42 pm.png

  3. To move, hover the mouse over one of the lines (not the anchor point), then click and drag to the new location.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 4.57.00 pm.png

  4. To delete, click on one of the lines or anchor point and then press the backspace button on your keyboard or click the “Clear Measurements” option on the toolbar or context menu.

Measure CTR

Allows you to measure the cardiothoracic ratio of the images on the screen by allowing you to draw rulers on an image.

Adding Measurement

  1. Click on the “Measure CTR” button on the tool bar or context menu.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/ctr.png /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/ctr-tool.png

  2. Click and hold on the image where you want the measurement to begin. This will create the start and end anchor points. Release where you want the measurement to end.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 5.19.52 pm.png

Modifying Measurement

  1. To resize or rotate, hover the mouse over the start or end anchor points and then click and drag as necessary.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 5.21.12 pm.png

  2. To move, hover the mouse over one of the lines (not the anchor point), then click and drag to the new location.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 5.20.16 pm.png

  3. To delete, click on one of the lines or anchor point and then press the backspace button on your keyboard or click the “Clear Measurements” option on the toolbar or context menu.


  1. Click on one of the display sets to select it and then press the “Invert” button on the tool bar to invert the image.

  2. Invert will cause low values to become brighter and high values to become darker.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 5.22.51 pm.png

Zoom Fit

  1. Click on the “Zoom Fit” button on the tool bar to fit to apply the correct zoom to all display sets so that the image is displayed entirely.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 5.26.25 pm.png

Flip Vertical & Flip Horizontal

  1. Click on the “Flip Vertical” or "Flip Horizontal" button to flip the selected image box.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 5.28.36 pm.png


  1. Click on the “Reset” button to reset the image back to the original zoom, position, geometric orientation, window/level and invert back to default.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 5.31.23 pm.png



  1. Click on the “Grid” button to specify the image box layout.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 5.35.19 pm.png

  2. /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 5.34.47 pm.png

No Split

  1. Click on the “No Split” layout button to specify a 1x1 layout.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 5.36.53 pm.png

Split Vertical

  1. Click on the “Split Vertical” layout button to specify a 1 x 2 layout.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 5.37.16 pm.png

Split Horizontal

  1. Click on the “Split Horizontal” layout button to specify a 2 x 1 layout.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 5.38.31 pm.png

Split Grid

  1. Click on the “Split Grid” layout button to specify a 2 x 2 layout.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 5.39.32 pm.png

Sync Scroll


  1. Click on the “Sync Scroll” button on the tool bar and select “Enable” or “Normal” to activate sync scrolling based on image number.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 5.40.36 pm.png

Slice Location

  1. Click on the “Sync Scroll” button on the tool bar and select “Slice Location” to activate sync scrolling based on slice location.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 5.40.36 pm.png

Clear Measurements

Clears the measurements on the image.

3D Cursor

Allows you to locate a point in space across all image planes.

  1. Click on the “3D Cursor” button on the tool bar or context menu.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 4.02.19 am.png /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/3d.png

  2. Click on the point of interest, the same point will then be marked in orange by a cross hair in the other series and the location will also be updated. The point of interest in the selected display set will be marked with a green cross hair.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 4.04.30 am.png

Show/Hide Overlay

  1. Click on the “Show/Hide Overlay” button on the tool bar to show or hide overlays.

    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 5.42.29 pm.png
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 5.42.36 pm.png

Play Cine

  1. Press the “Play” button to play images in a cine loop.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 5.43.42 pm.png

  2. Clicking on “Play” will change the button to the Stop icon and will also allow you to specify the FPS.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 5.43.47 pm.png

Export & Share Image

Allows you to export the selected image.

Export Image

  1. Click on the “Export/Share” button on the tool bar to display the Export/Share options.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 5.45.27 pm copy 4.png

  2. Click on “Export Image” from the Export/Share options or from the context menu to download the image for the selected display set as PNG.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 5.45.27 pm copy 3.png /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 5.45.36 pm copy.png

Export Image with Overlay

  1. Click on the “Export/Share” button on the tool bar to display the Export/Share options.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 5.45.27 pm copy 4.png

  2. Click on “Export Image with Overlay” from the Export/Share options or from the context menu to download the image with the overlays for the selected display set as PNG.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 5.45.27 pm copy 2.png /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 5.45.36 pm.png

Export as DICOM

  1. Click on the “Export/Share” button on the tool bar to display the Export/Share options.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 5.45.27 pm copy 4.png

  2. Click on “Export as DICOM” from the Export/Share options to export this study in DICOM.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 5.45.27 pm copy.png

  3. Enter the email address of the recipient so they can download the exported study in DICOM.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 5.55.16 pm.png

  4. Send download code to the recipient who have requested for the study export.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 5.55.57 pm.png

Share via Email

  1. Click on the “Export/Share” button on the tool bar to display the Export/Share options.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 5.45.27 pm copy 4.png

  2. Click on “Share via email” to share the study with an external user.
    /Users/ronaldli/.Trash/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 5.45.27 pm.png

  3. Enter the recipient’s email address. Please note that the default expiration date for the study share is 7 days.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 5.58.22 pm.png


  1. Click on the “Report” button to display the report for the study. This button is only visible if a report is available.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 6.00.16 pm.png

Related Studies

  1. Related/prior studies can be accessed by going to the context menu and selecting “Related Studies”.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 6.01.55 pm.png

  2. Clicking on any of the studies from the “Related Studies” list will open the study in a new tab.
    /Users/ronaldli/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 6.03.04 pm.png

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